Saturday, June 10, 2006

Progress Report

Green Light!!!
I have just ordered 20 custom bracelets and rings from Kumbeshwar and they are on their way as I type.
How amazing - Within just a few weeks, I have been able to network with a small micro-loan based silver producer in Nepal and create my own line of Fair Trade jewelry to sell here in the States!!!
The world is shrinking every day, or flattening as some have said. What amazing opportunities are opening up right now...I feel like I'm just barely opening my eyes to see the strategic times we are now living in. Oh Lord wake us up to redeem the time and not slumber selfishly through it!
I am encouraged in so many ways right now. COSTCO is carrying their own line of yumyum FAIR TRADE coffee, roasted by starbucks. World of Good is setting up little displays of fair trade handicrafts in shops and health stores across the nation. And as I'm seeing more and more conventional grocery stores carrying organic products, I'm praying that hearts will be changed to have more discernment in their purchasing habits. There's no doubt in my mind that buying products that are spiritually healthy - that support and lift up the poor rather than exploit them - has exponentially greater wholistic health benefits than just buying organic... So I can totally see the organic movement leading straight into a fair trade movement. Amen, Lord, let it be!!!


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